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     This course is aligned with my Innovation Plan ( In this endeavor, the focus is on designing a blended learning model (FLEX) program, with specific tailoring for Spanish Bilingual Students. The model is meticulously crafted to not only address the intended performance objectives of the original design but also to simultaneously foster a more profound and meaningful significant learning environment for bilingual students. 

HAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal): 

"Empower Bilingual Spanish Speakers to Navigate a Multilingual World with Confidence and Cultural Fluency through Innovative Blended Learning Strategies." 

This BHAG aims to not only enhance language skills but also to instill confidence in navigating a diverse linguistic landscape. It highlights the importance of cultural fluency and positions your course as a transformative experience that equips bilingual Spanish speakers for success in a globalized world.

Learning Goals
Learning Activities
Assessment Activities
Language Proficiency-

Students will demonstrate 

advanced proficiency in reading, 

and writing in English for 

bilingual Spanish speakers.

Online language exercises and tutorials.


Students will participate in a "Bilingual Literary Café" where they will read and discuss a challenging text in English, highlighting keywords.

Oral and written assessments, including virtual conversations and essays.


Apply their knowledge in written essays and receive feedback to encourage advanced skill development in reading and writing in English.

Learning Goals
Learning Activities
Assessment Activities
Cultural Competence-

Students will gain a deep 

understanding of English-

speaking cultures and 

communities for bilingual 


Virtual cultural immersion experiences and discussions


"Bilingual Cultural Exploration’’ Students will explore diverse English-speaking cultures through virtual interviews.

Cultural projects, presentations, and reflective essays.


Considering the accuracy of the information, active participation in the interview, as well as students' critical reflection on their understanding of English-speaking cultures.

Make an oral presentation to the class in English, related to the virtual interview that will be held.

Learning Goals
Learning Activities
Assessment Activities
Technology Integration-

Students will effectively use technology tools for language acquisition and communication.

Online collaboration platforms, language apps, and virtual exchange programs.


‘’Tech-Enhanced Language Exchange’’


Promote the effective use of technological tools for language acquisition and communication.

Technology-based assessments, multimedia presentations, and digital portfolios.

It will evaluate your effectiveness in the use of language learning applications (Duolingo), highlighting grammatical correctness and effective expression of ideas.

Learning Goals
Learning Activities
Assessment Activities
Collaborative Communication-

Students will engage in 

meaningful conversations and 

collaborative projects in written 

and spoken English for bilingual 

Spanish speakers.

Online group discussions, collaborative projects, and virtual language exchange partnerships.

‘’Interactive Storytelling Collaboration" encouraging meaningful conversations and joint projects in both written and spoken English, specifically designed for bilingual Spanish speakers.

Peer evaluations, group project assessments, and reflective journals.


Students will collaboratively create and present a storytelling project, engaging in meaningful written and spoken English communication, while assessments focus on creativity, fluency, and effective peer feedback.

Learning Goals
Learning Activities
Assessment Activities
Self-Directed Learning-

Students will take responsibility 

for their language learning 

journey and set personal 

language goals.

Independent research projects, and personalized learning plans.


"Personal Language Learning Portfolio’’ create a personal language learning portfolio where they set and track individual language goals.

Assess the evolution of language learning goals by comparing the initial objectives with the final ones, emphasizing adaptability and the student's capacity to refine goals based on experience.



Tucker, C. R., & Wycoff, T. (2018). Blended Learning in Action: A Practical Guide Toward Sustainable Change. I - Blended Learning in Action: A Practical Guide toward Sustainable Change, Corwin, 2017

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