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Reunión de grupo

Contribution to Your Learning and the Learning Community.

Self-Assessment Rationale for Course EDLD 5318:

For this course, I have selected a numerical score of 95 based on my contributions and engagement throughout the duration of the course. Here's a breakdown of my rationale.

Reflection on what is working and what you can do better: 

I actively engaged in critical reflection on my learning process, consistently evaluating my progress and identifying areas for improvement. By regularly assessing my work, I was able to adapt my approach to assignments and learning activities, maximizing my learning outcomes. 

Contributed to, helped build, and provided feedback to your core collaboration group: 

Throughout the course, I actively participated in my core collaboration group, contributing ideas, providing constructive feedback, and collaborating effectively to achieve our shared goals. My contributions helped foster a collaborative learning environment where we could exchange ideas and support each other's learning. 

Revised all assignments and reflected on revisions in this contribution to a learning activity: 

I made a conscious effort to revise all assignments based on feedback received from peers and instructors. By reflecting on these revisions in my contributions to learning activities, I demonstrated a commitment to continuous improvement and a willingness to incorporate feedback to enhance the quality of my work. 

Completed ALL of the course readings, videos, and supporting resources: 

I diligently completed all assigned readings, watched videos, and engaged with supporting resources provided throughout the course. This comprehensive approach to learning allowed me to gain a thorough understanding of course content and apply key concepts effectively in assignments and discussions. 

Met the various course activity deadlines indicated in the calendar: 

I consistently met all course activity deadlines as indicated in the calendar, ensuring timely submission of assignments, participation in discussions, and completion of group activities. This commitment to meeting deadlines demonstrates my reliability and dedication to academic excellence. 

Accelerated ADL option reflection: 

As an accelerated ADL student concurrently enrolled in another course, I successfully integrated my collaborative efforts and learning experiences from both courses. By combining insights and ideas from different contexts, I enriched my understanding of instructional design principles and their application in professional learning environments. 


Supporting Contributions: 

In addition to the key contributions mentioned above, I took on leadership responsibilities within my base group and actively participated in course forums, discussions, and activities. I consistently posted timely responses that reflected depth of thinking, supported by research and cited using APA format. 

Overall, my contributions to EDLD 5318 have been significant, and I am confident that my active engagement has not only benefited my own learning but also contributed to the learning community as a whole.

Captura de pantalla 2024-05-08 a la(s) 1.55.54 p. m..png

Members of Base Group Community in both courses – 5389 & 5318

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