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Ubd Desing Template

      Wiggins and McTighe present an alternative perspective on course design in their book "Understanding by Design." UbD is a comprehensive blueprint that consists of three key phases: articulating the intended outcomes, identifying assessment criteria, and devising a strategy for learning. Within each of these stages, there are clear definitions of what students should grasp, the questions to be addressed, performance assessments, and activities, all geared towards ensuring students attain the desired learning outcomes.

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Compare and contrast: Fink’s 3-Column Table and UbD Template:

   Fink's Integrated Course Design and Understanding by Design (UbD) templates share commonalities in emphasizing the integration of technology, personalized learning, and the dynamic nature of language acquisition. Both models recognize the importance of varied assessments, including formative and summative measures, to gauge language proficiency. However, distinctions arise in their organizational structures. Fink's model, with its three-column table, incorporates situational factors, teaching and learning activities, and assessment plans, offering a holistic perspective on course design. In contrast, UbD follows a more structured approach with distinct stages—Desired Results, Evidence and Assessment, and Learning Plan—providing a detailed and sequential framework. Fink's model places a notable emphasis on teaching and learning activities alongside assessments, while UbD's staged approach ensures a systematic alignment of goals, understandings, and activities throughout the learning process. Both models contribute valuable insights, with Fink's offering a broader view and UbD providing a detailed roadmap for effective language learning design.

Reflection on how the two different design processes have contributed to your ability to design learning environments:

   Engaging in Fink's integrated course design is crucial for my innovation plan, "Blended Learning for Spanish Bilingual Students." This approach allows me to holistically consider situational factors, teaching and learning activities, and assessment plans. In the context of bilingual education, this broader view is essential for tailoring educational experiences to the unique characteristics of my students, ensuring alignment with desired outcomes, and addressing potential technological limitations. Fink's model provides a comprehensive framework that enables me to create a blended learning environment responsive to the diverse needs of Spanish bilingual learners. 

Complementing this, Understanding by Design (UbD) offers a structured framework that aligns seamlessly with my innovation plan. UbD ensures a systematic alignment of learning objectives, evidence, and activities, fostering clarity in instructional design. This methodical approach enhances my ability to articulate clear learning objectives and design engaging experiences, aligning purposefully with the bilingual learning context. By combining Fink's holistic perspective with UbD's structured approach, my innovation plan aims to create a cohesive and effective blended learning environment that not only embraces innovation but also integrates new pedagogical approaches, technologies, and culturally responsive learning experiences for Spanish bilingual students.


Smith, J. A. (2022). Designing Effective Blended Learning Environments for Language Acquisition. Academic Press. 

Fink, L. D. (2005). A self-directed guide to designing courses for significant learning. Retrieved from: Fink, L. D. (2005). A self-directed guide to designing courses for significant learning. Retrieved from:

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